Our Services

Our clients are public and private owners, general contractors, construction managers, design builders, subcontractors, suppliers, architects, and engineers.  Our clients are literally the building blocks of our great state of Vermont.


We spend our days crafting solid construction contracts that truly reflect the intentions of the parties while anticipating any future issues, addressing construction claims efficiently and effectively, and facilitating construction dispute resolution to avoid litigation.

In addition to contracts, here is a small sample of our common practice areas:

  • Excavation, highways, bridges, directional drilling, and heavy construction

  • Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) projects

  • Complex litigation

  • Federal government contracts

  • General Service Administration Claims

  • Resolving bidding disputes and protest

  • Presenting and defending construction claims for additional payment or damages and delays

  • Prosecuting and defending claims for construction defects and design errors

  • Condominium claims by homeowners’ associations

We speak the language of your field, technical, and management personnel to efficiently address your project needs. We foster good working relationships of trust and respect with all project participants to facilitate open and direct resolution of issues.

Because of our experience in law and construction, we are uniquely positioned to meet the needs and budgets of our clients - so they can build more.

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